Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Seeds Were Sewn

Seeds Were Sewn
Originally uploaded by mollieholliday
I hate to use the expression "an Ah-ha Moment"... or "revelation"... but when I made this tiny little etching I'm pretty sure my eyes got wide and my brain was spinning circles. I knew for once where I was headed with my work and it felt like electricity. I swear.

This isn't to say I'm NOT struggling with creative direction now... but at least I feel like I have an image to refer to when I'm feeling lost.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Biking Gear...

Originally uploaded by mollieholliday
Cycling outfits make me die of laughter. But somehow this one sent from Myles' uncle all the way from Wyoming seems acceptable. Maybe?

Actually I take that back.

A Swim...

Originally uploaded by mollieholliday
The best Frog and Toad story ever. And they can both read it independently.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

No Excuses...

So I haven't posted Christmas... No New Year's... No 34th birthday, no Valentines or twins turning 6. It's pretty lame. At least I can say I've been accepted into grad school.

From this point on I plan to blog about my artwork, assuming I can get my portfolio uploaded on a regular basis. I know some loyal far-away Miss Nelson readers might be sad, but 6 months without a post probably has most of you emailing me for life updates anyway. We'll see. Maybe I'll make two blogs. (Doubtful.)

Big LOVE everybody... xoxoxoxoox