Tuesday, September 27, 2005


So Eloise and Ruby ended up with colds after our busy busy weekend. Boy oh boy I can't wait to have a runny nose too! I almost forgot how intensely annoying it is to have sick kids... and in the grand scheme of things, they're not really that ill right now! Just wait until the boogers make their way into Ruby's lungs and we have to start up the fucking nebulizer... I'm so not looking forward to the winter. Speaking of annoying things, Myles started a new rotation in Orthopaedics at UMass Worcester and won't be spending the week with us. At least he has a place to stay that's closer to the hospital than we are - and really, this rotation lasts about 3 1/2 weeks so I think I can handle it. He says he'll be able to have weekends off mostly... but I know in doctor-speak that means he might have Saturdays free.

Ruby and Eloise just love being in this big house with my parents. When they wake up in the morning they get new diapers and then they both skibble over to my parents' door and knock knock knock... and then it's lots of bouncing around with Ammie and Boppy on their king size bed. Sometimes they watch a little Teletubbies and then my mom makes them delicioso scrambled eggs, or I cop out making hot breakfast and give them their new favorite "cerealmilk" (cereal WITH milk). If we don't have cerealmilk when Ruby wants it... then I get to hear her repeat it over and over and over - Rain Man style. (Time for Wapner... time for Wapner... Wapner, Wapner... yeah.) I'm beginning to wonder if my kids have problems with verbal diarrhea already. Literally, they're worse than I am. They're never quiet. A running commentary for every situation. I'm not quite sure how to handle it sometimes because I can't respond to everything they say. It exhausts me to no end because I have to acknowlege everything twice.

Have I forgotten to mention that Ru and El tried holding hands in the stroller yesterday? It was hysterical. They totally amused themselves.

At this very second my dad has been driving this absolutely gorgeous old Porsche up and down the driveway making the most obnoxious noise... and I'm convinced it's going to wake the girls. But that wouldn't be the first time my dad has accidentally woken them up... well, actually my sister's giant shoes or her dog might be more of an issue... or the fucking mailman (letter carrier!) who constantly SLAMS the door - BANG! - like clockwork right about a half hour before I'd like them to be awake. Living in suburbia presents a whole new list of challenges with kids, and I am more convinced than ever that I just love urban/town lifestyle. Which reminds me, I want to go shopping... mmmmm.... retail therapy.

Monday, September 26, 2005


Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
Could this be cuter? High school sweethearts Scott and Julia were married on a pristine September Saturday in Nantucket... we wish them so much love and joy for the future. (Look at the sky!)

The Groom

Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
Oh Scott. I'm thrilled that I captured this look of yours. Remember when we suffered through that torturous class "Style in the Visual Arts"? And we got in trouble with the professor laughing about the correct way to spell "FUDGE-Y"...

Auntie Leah

Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
Being with old friends makes me especially happy.

SuperOrange Dresses

Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
Scott and Julia's wedding was one of the best celebrations I have ever attended. This is no exaggeration - everything was just right. The weather, the people, the size, the food, the decorations, the music... perfect. It is most certainly more fun to attend a wedding than to plan or be in one. Ruby and Eloise had a blast running in the manicured lawn, imitating the big kids, attempting to play croquet and throwing a tennis ball around. They ate a bunch of the caramelized onion and gruyere cheese tartlets - and Myles took them home early so I could enjoy dinner and talk Wesleyan crap with my peeps.

You know, if I may be so honest, I have to admit that uploading the photos here takes me so fucking long that I have very very little intrest in actually writing any decent descriptions. There's too much good stuff - I've waited too long between entries here in blogville.

not so thrilled

Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
Big Sis Eloise doesn't really love the goggles, but she's very skilled with an alan wrench - seriously!

Ruby Loves Accessories

Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
A recent visit to the Boston Children's Museum gave the girls a chance to show off their skills with tools... and Ru's recent obsession with "costume".

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
I've been missing from computer land for many reasons, one of which involves how much fun we have been having (see photo of Ru sneaking under the table for example...), the other reason being how much pain and emotional distress I have been suffering.

Sometimes I lie awake at night wondering what the fuck I'm doing living in my parents house, stressing over my husband's career indicision, obsessing over my girls, missing my friends... and regretting some major life choices. All I can really do is laugh about how my current situation reflects an "I told you so" that I told MYSELF. In many ways I really just wanted to be a mom, and a really really good one. But I do struggle with the issue that I never completely pursued the other things that I was good at, or that I liked before I had kids... so at this point I realize that I short changed myself. Everybody tells me that I will have time for my career once my kids are older - and I know that can be part of my vision for the future - but being a mom will always be my priority. And considering my incredible inability to finish a task.... Yikes. And what if Myles does land an Orthopaedics residency somewhere? And what if he doesn't? Perhaps now my dilemma becomes more clear.

Go SpeedRacer Go

Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
Boppy also is also known for his superior ability to drive a vintage race car. Last week we got to plop the girls in it so they could experiment with "driving" - which is their new favorite thing ever since I let them go in the fucking gargantuan plastic grocery carts at the market. I could write an entire blog on these unsanitary and amusing contraptions... kids are smitten with them and parents can barely wield them through the aisles. I wish I could record a little sound bite of me imitating the drone and squawk of the cart. For those of you who know me well enough I challenge you to draw up some favorite Mollie sound-effects into your mind.


Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
Most nights here in Milton my dad graces us with his superior musical abilities right before bedtime. The girls like to say "Robert Gigi" when he's playing - which is a goofy reference to the entertaining middle-aged, cozy Jews who play kid songs in the Burlington Library. It kills me whenever they say it - because George Nelson is a musical legend... and to compare him to Northern Vermont's version of Raffi is blasphemy!

Bug World

Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
I used to play with Bug World when I was a little kid, and honestly I don't remember having a finer memory. Here Eloise demonstrates how much she loves the "elevator" function of this genius toy.


Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
This was actually a funny evening if I remember it correctly... I was drinking a bunch of wine and the cousins were decorating the twins with flowers while pushing them around the yard in their crappy strollers. When I look at this I realize what different little people they have become in the course of 2 months. I don't think they are really babies anymore... and considering that they can convey thoughts and emotions and memories through words - I don't really dig the "toddler" term either. But until they are out of diapers, I guess they remain toddlers, right?

Pensive with Daisy...

Originally uploaded by mollieholliday.
Being at home gives me plenty of opportunity to find photos from this summer that my mom took on her digital camera. I think this one dates back to July.